Hope everyone enjoyed the All-Star weekend festivities. I, myself, didn't actually watch any of it other than the Slam Dunk contest, because the Rookie/Sophmore game is an abomination, the Celebrity game and Shooting Stars competition are beyond horrendous and I find the Skills Challenge and 3-point Shootout rather pedantic. And, of course, the Knight Rider movie came on last night, so I skipped the All-Star game. Priorities and all. I know that Hardwood Paroxysm made the trip down there and snapped a quick picture of Juan Carlos Navarro, so that's something, I guess.
Chris Herrington compiled the Top 10 Grizzlies Dunks in preparation of the Dunk Contest.
The 700Level.com has the lowdown on what the Sixers' scouting report for newly acquired player-coach Aaron McKie looked like the other night.
- Savvy vet
- Not as good a shooter as he thinks
- Used to defend
- Don't guard
- Rotate off of him
Trade Talk: Miller/Lowry to Denver? Lowry to Cleveland?
Even though it doesn't make the news every time it happens, the Grizzlies try to do their part in the community. Hakim Warrick does his part in his hometown, too.
Speaking of Hak, Empty the Bench lists him as one of their Ten NBA Players Poised for Better Things Down the Stretch, along with rookie Mike Conley. Some interesting analysis to be read there.
Pau Gasol is adapting to the Triangle just fine. Now, will somebody get him the number to a real estate agent?
Speaking of Pau, add Tim Duncan to those who think the trade was fairly craptastic. Wait, what's that? Tim Duncan whining about something? I'm shocked.
In the "piling on" portion of the program, we have Epic Carnival saying that Chris Wallace is no Rocket Surgeon.
The Bismarck Tribune has a nice article on assistant coach Dave Joerger.
Blog/Website of the Day: The 22 Worst Dunks Ever

First of all, sorry for my poor english.
I'm a spanish grizzlies fan since Gasol arrived 7 years ago. And I still being after the trade. :P
I think that you don't know that Navarro was on the comments in the spanish tv during the All Star Game.
Maybe you are interested in what he said, becouse he talked a lot about the grizzlies.
About Rudy Gay: Navarro said that Rudy don't speak with him in the locker room and he doesn't know why. Also said that Rudy is not selfish, he just has not any kind of game IQ.
Navarro said that he doesn't understand why coach Iavaroni wants to run like the Suns, when is obvious that Memphis has not any Steve Nash, Jason Kidd type of player.
He said that Mike Miller is an excellent player and is very frustrated being in Memphis.
Navarro said that he never has been before in a team with so little winning wish.
Finally he said that he is REALLY feeling the Rookie Wall, and he hopes to be in better shape for the next games.
I think that Navarro shouldn't say this kind of things in public, but, sadly I believe that most of them are true.
Good blog! And sorry for my english again.
Forgive me if I have difficulty believing your "report" Jugón, but I'm calling shenanigans on this one until I see some proof.
Ok, I understtand that you need some proofs.
This a open threat of ACB forums (on the ACB spanish league website):
The title es "Rajadas de Navarro". If you understand spanish I recommend you to check it out. If not, ask someone to translate it for you. It is a long threat, so it must be readed until the end.
If you don't find this in the ordinary media is because the majority of journalist are agree with Navarro, but I believe that could be interesting for Grizzlies Fans.
Don't get me wrong, I like Navarro and I really believe that his opinions are 90% true. But I think that players sometimes must close thier mouths and just play. Something that is really difficult to see nowadays in the Grizzlies.
thanks jugon...
Thanks Jugo, interesting insight.
And thanks for the link love, appreciated as always!
Andrew Thell
i read that messageboard and you seem to be correct.....thanks for the heads up....
can you track down a youtube clip or anything? or maybe a transcript?
Unfortunately I don't have any clip, but I will try to get it by asking in the ACB forum.
I'm sure that someone will upload the clip.
I'll let you know!
Anybody want argue with Navarro? Didn't think so. He needs to keep his mouth shut in public however. If true its a very poor reflection on Rudy Gay.
Having read the forum, I still don't believe it. No youtube proof. Navarro's character has always been too much calm to begin saying everything they put on his mouth, even having had much sillier coaches (ie Pesic, Ivanovic). No news elsewhere about it, and we have quite sensationalist press that would reproduce it immediately if it really happened. Nothing on google after many different searches... "Conspirating" on a chat to create an urban legend like this is very easy.
I'm the typical guy that doubts about the truth of it today, and tomorrow he video appears on youtube. But... I don't buy that Navarro said it. He used to have a tough personality. It's very far from his natural scope.
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